Eur. Ing. Jeffrey N. Casciani-Wood
Chartered Engineer
F.R.I.N.A., F.C.M.S., M.A.S.N.A.M.E., M.I.I.M.S., M.A.E., F.LL.A.,
F.I.Diag.E., F.I.Corr.
The introduction some forty years ago of
plastics to the boat building industry produced, in its wake, the
problems of how to survey such vessels and what the Surveyor had to look
for. The intervening years have produced a wide variety of often
conflicting surveying experience and widely differing answers to these
Boats are manufactured as a stressed skin
monocoque structure from a thermosetting resin strengthened with various
forms of fibre usually of a glass or carbon type and fitted, for
cosmetic reasons, with an outer gel coat usually not more than one or
two millimetres thick. The mixture has a number of additives to give
colour, antislip properties and the like and these vary from design to
design. The chemistry of these plastics is complex and is often not
fully understood by the Surveyor in the field but the resins used are
basically of two types:
Polyester (which has three sub types) and,
Both the polyester and the epoxy materials
generally are a mixture of an acid and an alcohol with styrene as a
diluent in the presence of 1.5 to 2 % peroxide catalyst usually
Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone Peroxide (MEKP). About 1% cobalt is also added as
an accelerator to start the curing process at a lower temperature than
would otherwise be needed. All of these are organic compounds i.e.
they are based on the nearly unique ability of the carbon atom to form
complex long chain molecules. made up usually of isophthalic (also
called metaphthalic acid) which is a saturated acid. The purpose of
the former is to control the amount of cross linking that occurs in the
cure while the latter is used because it increases the resistance to
water and chemicals. It is somewhat dearer than the orthophthalic acid
used in general purpose non-marine polyesters and it should be
remembered that the orthophthalic acid polyester is more prone to
blistering than the isophthalic form The difference in the two resins
lies in the other constituent - the alcohol. This is usually propylene
glycol in the main laminate resin as this has good water resistance
properties but sometimes diethylene glycol is added in order to save
cost and to increase the resilience of the cured laminate. For the gel
coat resin neopentyl glycol is used. The physical characteristics
of polyesters depends upon the precise nature of the components and the
proportions used which vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Since
glycols have three hydroxyl groups to form these esters, any resin
involving it can form massive cross linked three dimensional polymers of
the thermosetting type. This process is called esterisation. Such a
resin slowly hardens with time by an exothermic reaction so that in a
matter of hours the moulded hull is effectively in its final condition
Polyester as used in boat building is of
three distinct but related types the chemistry being different for
material used for gel coats when compared to that for the main laminate.
For both laminate and gel coat resins the acid is usually a mixture of
25 to 40 % maleic (unsaturated) acid with the balance being although
full cure does take a number of weeks depending upon the ambient
conditions. Both the diluent and the catalyst ultimately unite with
the esters. The by-product of the process is mainly water with some
styrene which evaporates off. The material is relatively cheap as it
is easy to manufacture, transport and handle and it forms the basis of
most fibre reinforced plastic boat structures today.
Its downside is twofold:-
It is not as impervious to water as was
originally thought, indeed, it absorbs water at a predictable and
steady rate.
The esterification process is reversible
in the presence of absorbed water under given conditions by the
process of hydrolysis and the by-products of this reduction, which
vary from case to case, can be ethanoic (acetic) acid, styrene,
glycols, free amines or a mixture of these.
Unlike the linear chain polyesters,
epoxides are complex molecules of multi-directional, interlocking ether
chains. Epoxides have greater strength; they are more impervious to
water; have better resistance to fatigue and are less flammable than the
polyesters. Further, etherisation is not so readily reversible as
esterisation. Epoxides are cyclic ethers containing three membered
rings; the simplest and most important of these being epoxyethane.
They are saturated aliphatic ethers and form a homologous series which
correspond to the molecular formula CnH2n+20 and are isomeric with
aliphatic monohydric alcohols. However, epoxides are more costly than
polyesters hence their lack of general use as a boat building plastic.
Surveying the Outside.
In surveying the outside of a plastic hull
there are a number of defects that the Surveyor has to look for but
these can be classified under three main headings:-
Contact Damage.
This usually is in the form of scores or
scratches of varying depth and importance, contact gouge marks and
breakage of the gel coat due to the presence of underlying voids.
This is usually of two general forms, star
crazing and long line crazing. This defect is usually found at the deck
edges, under deck fitting feet and at points of sharp contraflexure or
high local stress.
Osmosis is one of the processes by which
water is absorbed into the laminate and it can be and is reversed when
the vessel is left to dry out on the hard. The word is, however, among
the boating fraternity, aided and abetted by the popular yachting press,
usually and totally incorrectly used to describe gel coat blistering
formed as a result of the chemical and structural break down of the
resin matrix as a consequence of water absorption whether this is by
true osmosis or not.
The first of these main defects is fairly
obvious and is usually found by simple observation of the hull and any
voids in the lay up can be found by the familiar technique of the hammer
test and a well tuned ear. The second defect is also found by simple
observation and experience soon shows the Surveyor where to look.
By far the most important defect in plastic
hulls, however, is gel coat blistering, popularly but incorrectly called
osmosis, or, more vulgarly, the boat pox!
Gel coat blistering can be found by simple
observation if it is a fairly advanced stage but the early stages are
often difficult to locate and, if not noticed, can develop with
remarkable rapidity later leaving a very unsatisfied client and a
possible law suit on the Surveyor�s hands.
If the boat is located inside a shed or the
side of the hull is dark, a bright torch shone along the hull will often
show up the blisters by means of the shadows cast. It is also useful to
carry a hand mirror so that the sun�s rays can be deflected along the
hull to highlight blisters.
Finally it should be noted that all plastics
suffer from ultraviolet light deterioration and boats left lying in the
sun soon loose their pristine shine on the side or end lying toward the
Surveying the Inside.
On the inside of the vessel different
defects may be found. The usual primary and secondary stiffening for
this type of vessel is of wood or other material encapsulated to form a
top hat type section. Care must be taken to check that no cracking has
occurred along any of the frp covers thus allowing water to enter the
core and introduce rot. Similar defects may be found at the bonding of
joinery work or plywood bulkheads to the main hull. More subtle
defects are due to the down draining of the liquid resin during the
laying up process and �hinging�. The former tends to leave the top
sides of the vessel starved of resin and not fully wetted out while the
lower sections of the hull have excess resin. The latter which usually
shows itself as long closely spaced cracks occurs where the plastic
laminate �hinges� about a hard spot for example the shell �hinging� due
to hydrodynamic pressures about the line of a bulkhead or the cockpit
sole about the vertical cockpit coamings. A properly trained and
experienced Surveyor will be able to find and report these defects in a
�glass� hull but every boat is a new experience and brings new problems
and knowledge.
One final point is that, often such boats
are fitted with built in fresh water tanks of frp construction with a
gel coat on the inside. As this inner gel coat is not visible it is
often made of cheaper and inferior polyesters and blistering is a very
common defect of such tanks which should be opened for as full interior
inspection. It should be borne in mind that, if ignored, such internal
fresh water osmotic blisters will eventually burst putting their
contents into the fresh water. These chemicals not only have a very
unpleasant taste but are also toxic!
Moisture Meters.
These days it is de rigeur for a Surveyor
to carry one of more moisture meters to measure the water content of the
hull. The results obtained are subject to interpretation and different
Surveyors have different ways of effecting this.
The machines are of two basic types:-
The first works on the principle of
capacitance and measures accurately the local dielectric constant or
permittivity on an inverse logarithmic scale numbered 0 to 25. The
readings can be affected by the local thickness of the gel coat, the
density and quality of the underlying matrix, the presence of extra
layers of reinforcement or structural items, chain cables, ballast,
bilge water, copper, fuel or water tanks, gas cylinders, batteries and
electrical wiring and similar items on the inside of the hull and even
the Surveyor's body and clothing. This type of machine is to be
preferred as is does not damage the gel coat surface of the hull.
The second type does not suffer from the
above restrictions as it measures the electrical resistance between
two electrodes but, as it is used by inserting pointed needles into
the surface in order to measure the material�s resistivity, thereby
damaging the surface, it can only be safely used at the bottom of
broken blister pits.
It should be remembered that moisture meters
do NOT provide either and absolute or a percentage measure either by
weight or volume of actual moisture content! It must also be stressed
that there is no direct relationship between moisture content and
laminate condition and a high level of readings on their own do not
necessarily mean that the laminate is suffering damage due to
penetration by permeation or absorption or chemical or structural
breakdown induced by hydrolysis leading to the process of osmosis
developing with subsequent blistering of the gel coat. Such readings,
therefore, cannot by themselves and in the absence of other information
be used to make a diagnosis of structural breakdown. The danger sign
is when readings taken at successive times a week or so apart remain
persistently high and do not fail appreciably within two or three weeks
of lifting the vessel from the water in accordance with Newton�s
exponential law as this possibly indicates that the laminate is
retaining breakdown products and justifies a more detailed examination
such as the taking of surface hardness measurements, core samples and
similar actions.
Finally, the type, shape and distance apart
of the machines internal electrodes all have a significant effect on the
level of actual readings given and, in considering the readings taken,
this fact must be taken into account when comparing readings taken with
a different meter - even one nominally of the same make.
Some years ago one of this Company's
Surveyors was requested to act as a mediator in a minor dispute between
another Surveyor and a boat yard. The details do not matter but, when
our Sovereign machine was tried together with that belonging to the
other Surveyor and that belonging to the yard (both also being
Sovereigns), the differences between the three machines were
negligible. A number of readings were taken, however, on a separate
occasion which were clearly out of step with those previously taken.
After analysis, it was decided that the odd readings were due to
atmospheric conditions; in this particular case, high ambient
temperature and very low humidity. Theoretical considerations would
suggest that the corrections for these factors should be quadratic but,
within the fairly narrow limits of ambient conditions normally
experienced in the UK, it has been found that a simple linear correction
is within experimental error.
From this Company's experience, Surveyors
may be expected to pronounce an opinion on boats that have been out of
the water anything between half an hour and several years. Obviously
the time out of the water affects the readings as the hull has had time
to dry out (including the process of reverse osmosis) and no published
data on this drying out effect could be found. With the permission of
the owners and the help of a local boat yard, a number of experiments
were made to record the wetness number on several vessels over a several
month period over a number of fairly widely separated days starting from
the day they were taken from the water. It was found, as one might
expect, that the readings corrected for ambient conditions varied in
time according to one of the solutions of the Newtonian differential
equation, i.e. the drying out was exponential and asymptotic to the x
axis. It was from these experiments that it was decided that the
ambient corrections could be linear without loss of accuracy. En
passant, arrangements have been made to carry out similar experiments on
several other vessels and, in due course, it is hoped to publish the
results on this web site. Following on from this it was found that when
the readings for a particular day were plotted individually, in general
they followed, again as one might expect, the usual mesokurtic curve
associated with the Normal distribution. It was also found, however,
that the range of raw data lifted was often very wide while Pearson�s
coefficient of variation rarely exceeded 35%. The value of the skew
coefficient, which could be positive or negative without any apparent
reason why, was also usually very low.
A number of references were studied and
several sources were contacted to ask if there were any data on the
interpretation of the numbers lifted in the field with a totally
negative result. It was therefore decided to carry out some
experiments to see if a reasonable correlation factor could be
established between measured wetness number and the mass of water
absorbed by a given laminate. These experiments were carried out using
a number of specially laid up samples in controlled ambient conditions
and were able, from the results, to establish two empirical formulae:-
The first gave a simple polynomic
relationship between wetness number and absorbed water as a percentage
of weight.
The second - which was more complicated
than the first - has enabled a 'prediction� with a fair degree of
accuracy of the order of wetness number to be expected on the survey
of a boat from the known number of days she had previously been afloat
and, later, out of the water.
As a background to this experiment, the only
known published data of a similar nature were those given in an article
on the comparison of moisture meters in the article by Mr Staton-Bevan
published in PRACTICAL BOAT OWNER number 319, July, 1993 under the
auspices of the YDSA and Southampton University. When the results of
this Company's experiments were plotted, the mean YDSA line as analysed
out of that article was used as the basis as this had suggested a simple
polynomial relationship and it was found that our results sat very
closely on the line drawn from the YDSA experiments.
Most Surveyors will be aware that often
anomalous readings taken in the field can be put down to the machine
�feeling� the presence of extra thicknesses of lay up, water tanks,
piping, wiring, gas bottles etc. We have, however, in our Company a
long suffering lady who seems to develop an inordinate amount of static
electricity in her clothing. We were quite surprised to find, one day,
when she was with us that readings she took were measurably higher than
those taken by the writer or his professional colleague. The Company
has several machines of different types and the anomaly was clear on all
of them. She was finally persuaded to remove her shoes and earth
herself out. This brought her readings down to the level of our own
and clearly her �static� was affecting the results. This showed that
the presence of the Surveyor�s body and clothing could possibly affect
the readings on the machine.
Intuitively, the probability of osmotic
blistering developing on an frp vessel should vary with the measured
wetness number Wnm since it is usually assumed that this value varies
with the amount of water absorbed by the laminate by the process of
osmosis among others.
By wetness number is meant the arithmetic
mean of the readings taken on the wetted surface of the hull corrected
for the ambient temperature and relative humidity: the minimum number
of readings taken being directly proportional to the wetted surface area
of the vessel under survey. These readings should be measured in an
identical manner and to a defined standard so that the results may be
accurately and scientifically compared.
The vessel must be inspected in dry dock, on
a slip, blocked up on a hard stand, or hanging in the slings.
Inspection between tides in a mud berth is not a satisfactory state in
which to carry out measurements of the hull and is not recommended.
The hull must be superficially dry and thoroughly cleaned of all weed,
crustaceans and other marine growth and the anti-fouling coat examined
all over to see if there are any surface defects, cracking or flaking or
other types of breakdown. In the case where the weather is inclement
due to precipitation it is recommended that the survey be postponed if
practical as the rain water prevents the readings being taken.
Where a hull has absorbed water by
permeation and subsequent hydrolysis and osmosis has taken place
resulting in blistering a further defect can then occur which is known
as wicking where the water and or the breakdown products creep up the
internal fibres by surface tension and capillary action. Wicking can
only actually be seen when the gel coat is transparent. In vessels
where the gel coat is pigmented, current technology does not enable
wicking to be clearly seen and identified on a normal superficial
inspection of the boat�s skin.
There are basically four types of osmotic
blisters one of which has three sub-types.
Type 1 blisters range in appearance from
minute protuberances which appears as a general surface roughening of
the gel coat in small blisters of about 1 mm diameter. The observed
state could represent the early stages of other types considered later
or the condition could remain static for a considerable period without
any further development in either size or extent of the blistering.
This condition has no significant effect on the strength of the hull
laminate, nor, unless widely spread, on the protection afforded by the
gel coat and needs no remedial action.
Blisters of Type 2 characteristically follow
the line of the glass fibre strands and may either be a train of small
pinhead blisters or, alternatively, may form an elongated ridge. This
defect can be anticipated to develop by a coalescing of the blisters
into a ridge like form cracked at the apex. Like Type 1 this condition
has no significant effect on the strength of the hull laminate, nor,
unless widely spread, on the protection afforded by the gel coat and,
again, needs no remedial action.
Type 3a blisters can only occur on vessels
built with a double gel coat. They are generally 5 to 15 mm in
diameter and on a boat that has recently slipped are typically dome
shaped. With time out of the water the blisters tend to flatten.
When not already broken, the blister may be �popped� by applying
pressure with a sharp pointed tool whereon a characteristically vinegar
smelling clear fluid emerges. Underneath the bottom of the pit will
have a smooth, often glossy, appearance with no evidence of a glass fire
or fibre pattern showing. Blisters of this type if rectified may not
recur or, again, may break out on a different part of the hull later.
There is some merit, therefore, if the defect is not widely spread in
letting the defect develop to its full extent and undertaking a single
repair at a later stage. The defect, though unsightly, is not
structurally significant and repairs may be safely deferred until a
suitable time.
Type 3b is similar in appearance, when the
blisters are unbroken, to Type 3a. The difference appears when the
bottom of the pit is examined in that the glass fibres are exposed
though they may well be covered with resin. No dry glass will be
visible. In general the pit will also be deeper than that for Type
3a. This type of blister leaves the laminate susceptible to moisture
ingress and wicking and is structurally significant and does need
remedial action.
When unbroken, the Type 3c blister presents
the same outward appearance as the previous Types 3a and 3b. On
breaking open, however, this type is characterised by the presence of
resin free, often fluffy, glass fibre strands. The cavity beneath is
usually deeper than that found beneath the blisters of Types 3a and 3b
and may contain foul liquids even for a considerable amount of time
after the vessel has been slipped. This type of blister requires early
rectification and remedial treatment should not be delayed for any
significant time. With this type of blister progressive increase in
the defect size may be anticipated and the possibility of an area of
delamination developing cannot be discounted if the repair is unduly
delayed. This type is also frequently associated with wicking.
Whilst not of immediate significance to the hull�s integrity when first
detected, leaving a blister of this type to develop over a number of
months may lead to a localised weak area in the hull.
As opposed to the sharply raised dome shaped
blisters considered earlier, the Type 4 blister is characteristically
broad and flat, often most readily found when viewing along the surface
of the hull laminate or by touch when running the finger tips over an
apparently smooth surface. Blister size is typically 10 to 50 mm in
diameter and raised some 1 to 3 mm above the surface of the surrounding
laminate. This broad flat blister is typical of defect which lies
beneath the gel coat and the first reinforcement layer or even deeper
still. This defect does not mean that the hull is in imminent danger
of structural failure, although it is indicative of a void within the
laminate where water may be accumulating and, by osmotic pressure,
tending to extend to the affected area. In time, laminate integrity
will be affected and early remedial action must be taken.
From long experience it is found that
blistering is more likely to occur on hulls with dark blue, red or dark
green pigmented gel coats. This defect is also more likely to occur in
warm fresh water than cold salt water as both density and temperature
affect the onset of the true osmotic process.